Sunday, 5 February 2012

Mathmatical anomaly

There were 3 students who came to share a flat together and wanted a TV.

They ventured down to the local second hand shop and found one for £30, so they all put in £10 each and paid the shop assistant.

They had just left the shop with the TV when the shop manager returned and asked the shop assistant where the TV had gone.

The assistant pointed at the 3 students through the window and said to the manager that they had just bought it for £30.

The manager said that because they were students, they could have had it for £25. He gave the shop assistant £5 in change and said run after them to give them their £5 back.

When the assistant left the shop; he thought to himself that £5 does not split equally between 3 people so he pocketed £2.

He gave the students £1 each and said that the TV was on offer.

Now if you take that each student initially paid £10 each then was handed £1 each back.

This meant that each student has now only paid £9 each. So what is 3 x £9?


The shop assistant has £2 in his pocket. Add this to the £27 and you only get £29.

Where has the pound gone?

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